Monday, February 2, 2015

Getting back in shape

When it comes to being active, I've had plenty of ups and downs throughout my life. As a kid, I never really played a sport (unless getting my black belt in karate counts!), always hated gym class and always finished the mile run last, and wasn't ever physically fit and lacked endurance. In college though, I enjoyed played volleyball in my free time and going to the gym. It became a habit for me. After college I stayed fit but never belonged to a gym, so I just tried to monitor what I was eating and was always lucky enough to have a physically tiring job to keep me in shape somewhat. I went to the gym religiously for 6 months until our wedding, and built a ton of muscle, and then from June until this New Year I've been a bum again. It's so easy to get out of the habit by just a few days of no activity. Since my job now consists of a lot of sitting in front of a computer and the extent of my exercise is running around doing errands within the building I work or carrying a bucket of water upstairs to refill the salt water tanks, I haven't exactly been in shape. I made it a new year's goal along with eating better with my new vegan diet to be physically fit and get back into a gym routine.

So far, I've been going to the gym at least 3 times a week since I've joined, doing fitness classes or cardio equipment. Josh and I formed a competitive volleyball team and had a practice today. I'll ideally be playing volleyball at least twice a week with practices and games on top of going to the gym. I've been walking a mile each way to and from work every day, I no longer drive as there's a lack of parking spots and it's silly to contribute more carbon emissions to this poor earth when I live close enough to walk. Josh and I even walked 6 miles along the beach and within trails when we visited my aunt Bunny in Venice, FL this past weekend. We are addicted to exercise and for good reason. I have never felt better! It's easier to just get up and go when you have a routine and are in the habit of doing so. But once you become a couch potato and get addicted to TV shows (that was me just a month ago), it makes it near impossible to get the motivation to do anything active. If you want to become more active, I suggest writing down your physical activities every day (in conjunction with writing down everything you are eating, ideally, and how much water you're drinking), and get involved with some fun classes at the gym. Group fitness is a motivating way to stay fit, because you will enjoy the class, and it keeps you going. It's much harder going on your own to the gym to just use some equipment, because no one is forcing you to keep at it. Either get a fitness buddy, join some classes, promise your dog(s) they will get that daily long walk they deserve, go for a bike ride, or get involved with a sport you either love to play, or want to try. No one cares if you're good, it's all about having fun.

Being active is something that EVERYONE can benefit from, no matter what your body type is or your fitness goals are. Adding just a tiny bit more activity into your daily lifestyle, or an intense workout 3 times a week in combination with eating just a little bit better (and drinking more water), you'll notice a difference in how you feel, and be on your way to getting in shape. Whatever you do, DON'T focus on how much you weigh, this is a set failure. I've tried doing so and I almost always gain weight because of how much water I'm drinking all day, and the muscle I'm building once I start working out more. Just focus on how your clothes fit and how you feel on the inside. Focus on the firmness of your muscles forming out of what may have been blobby fat (yes we all have some somewhere!). That's what will make you feel accomplished and motivate you to keep going. That's what's important. The more you're active, the less time you'll have to eat out of boredome.

Find beautiful trails to walk and parks to go see. Even if you don't have the luxury of living in warm weather all year round, there are beautiful places to see in the winter up north. The beach is my favorite place to walk when it's cold.. just bundle up. Odds are, there's a nice park or trail somewhere near you. Grab a buddy or a date and go. Great way to "catch up" with someone, without having to go sit at some restaurant and stuff your faces like we all do when we get together with friends. Hikes are way more fun (and free)! Just remember, whatever you start up, force it into your daily routine and don't quit! Get a buddy involved so you can motivate each other, or set a reward for yourself when you've met a goal. Seriously though, the dog walking thing is a good motivation. If you don't have a dog, borrow someone else's.

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