Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Eggplant & broccoli over in a Thai peanut sauce

This recipe is delicious. If you're craving something similar to the eggplant you can get from Chinese restaurants in an amazing sauce than this is something worth trying. Mixed with broccoli and flavorful onions, served over pasta or cous cous in a creamy peanut sauce, this is a filling and tasty meal. This recipe either serves 4, or 2 people for dinner with leftovers for lunch!


1 eggplant
bunch of green onions
1 leek
1 large head of broccoli or 2 small heads
Soy sauce or Trader Joe's Soyaki Sauce

a double batch of Samm's easy-peasy taste Thai peanut sauce (You can double up on everything except the peanut butter for a more mild peanut taste but still strong flavor)


Create a double serving of Thai peanut sauce. Chop up all other ingredients, eggplant diced, onions chopped into rings, and broccoli into bite sized pieces. Start sautéing eggplant pieces first in a large deep pan with soy sauce or soyaki sauce, and as they begin to soften, gradually add the peanut sauce into the pan. Add onions, leek and broccoli pieces and let mixture cook on medium heat, stirring every few minutes. Once broccoli feels soft everything should be well cooked and done.

While mixture is cooking, either boil a package of whole wheat spaghetti or cous cous in another pan until done. Once everything is ready, serve veggies in peanut sauce spread over pasta or cous cous and enjoy!

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