Saturday, January 11, 2014

Ginger Soy Sauce Tofu & Mixed Vegetables Recipe

Tofu is a great source of protein for vegetarians and non-vegetarians alike. Not everyone is a fan, but when prepared right, tofu can be as delicious and as savory as meat. My favorite way to cook it is in soy sauce and ginger flavoring because it makes it more of an asian-style recipe, with the added flavors of mixed cooked vegetables. Enjoy this easy recipe for tofu lovers (or those who want to try it!).


1/2 package of tofu
2 handfuls of snap peas
1/2 of a vidalia onion
handful of mushrooms
1 eggplant
1 zucchini
2/3 cup of Sesame ginger dressing
2/3 cup of Soy Sauce
olive oil
2 tablespoons of garlic


Set a large frying pan on stove on medium heat and pour in a thin layer of olive oil and the garlic. Allow to simmer. Chop eggplant and zucchini into diced sized chunks and put into pan. Pour half of the soy sauce on the vegetables covering them as much as possible. As they begin to soak up the oil and soy sauce, add onion which should be diced as well. Pour on remaining soy sauce. As vegetables begin to brown on both sides, add mushrooms (sliced) and snap peas. Take 1/2 block of tofu and cut into small cubes, and mix into pan with vegetables.

Allow tofu to absorb some of the soy sauce and then add ginger dressing over entire mixture and mix well. Allow to cook for 10 minutes, occasionally mixing. Transport into large serving bowl and enjoy! Serves 4.

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