Saturday, January 11, 2014

Stuffed Portobello Mushroom Caps Recipe

Did you know that mushrooms are incredibly nutritious, while being fat-free, gluten-free, cholesterol-free, low in calories and low in sodium? They have many vitamins and minerals (click link above to see all nutritional benefits), may help increase the risk of cancer, have beta-glucans which build a strong immune system, and are packed with anti-oxidants. My favorite is that they have B-vitamins, iron AND protein which can be hard to find in non-meat foods. All natural, healthy, and tasty. That sure is a lot of nutritional benefits to find in an edible fungus... So why not eat mushrooms? 

Here's a healthy and filling mushroom recipe for the veggie lover...

Stuffed Portobello Mushroom Caps


2 portobello mushroom caps
1/2 of a vidalia onion
1 can of diced tomatoes
1/3 medium sized eggplant
1/3 zucchini
2 tablespoons of garlic
1 handful of shredded vegan cheese
6 yellow cherry tomatoes (or regular ones)
olive oil


Put stove setting on medium, and fill up medium frying pan with a thin layer of olive oil. Add garlic and allow to simmer. Dice eggplant and zucchini and allow to heat up in pan. After they begin to soak up the oil, add onion which should be diced as well.

Once vegetables begin to brown (on both sides), add entire can of tomatoes (juice and all), and cherry tomatoes which should be cut in half. Cook for about 10 minutes, mixing every few minutes, and then add shredded vegan cheese on top, leaving about 2 pinches to use as topping when finished. Allow cheese to melt, and mix in well with vegetables.

"Gut" mushroom caps by scooping out contents so what all that is left is a bowl. If caps are fragile and fall apart, try to preserve and keep pieces together, which can still be used as a base.

Add chopped mushroom "guts" to the mix of vegetables and cheese and mix well. In a separate pan, let mushroom caps simmer on both sides so they are warm. Place on plate and fill each cap with vegetable mixture. Top each stuffed cap with more of the cheese and enjoy! Extra filling can be placed on plate surrounding mushrooms or eaten alone (or incorporated into another recipe!)

Serves 2.

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