Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Vegan Pumpkin Chowder Recipe

So I decided since recipes may begin to be a regular type of post I make on my blog that I should change my blog name... so I added recipes into the title :)

Here is an easy plant based recipe I created myself.. would have been a popular one for Thanksgiving if I had even thought to post it earlier but as it gets colder outside and the snow falls, this makes a great at home meal to help warm you up anytime. It's quick, easy, and super flexible- you can really add almost anything to it and the proportions aren't too important so it's difficult to mess this one up. You likely already have many of the ingredients in your kitchen and if you don't it's good to keep them on hand for this recipe if you like it. The best part is this chowder is it's nutritionally and filling enough to eat alone as a meal AND low in calories. It's super tasty too!

Supplies & Ingredients

1 LARGE pot

1 container of vegetable broth

1 large can of pumpkin

1 can of creamy or non creamy tomato soup (stewed or fresh tomatoes work too!)
**** This soup in the photo is not vegan (I made this post when I was vegetarian), but a vegan tomato soup or just canned tomatoes works great instead!

1 can of corn

2 cans of assorted beans of your choice

1-3 tablespoons of minced garlic

1 cup of chopped carrots

1 cup of chopped celery

1 chopped onion (I forgot to take a picture)

Whatever assorted potatoes you can find in your fridge and need to use up before they get moldy and those gross spots on them. If they start growing those node and spud things on them those are actually roots growing and they are safe to eat but you better eat them before they grow into a plant!


It's too cold for our herb garden at the moment, but when I have fresh basil I always add that in here too. Other additions include tomatoes, green beans, rice, pasta, peas, squash, eggplant, zucchini, fennel and whatever else you can think of. These ingredients I listed were the only things I happened to have on hand.


Put the stove setting on low, and empty the vegetable broth into the pot. When it begins to heat up stir in the canned pumpkin, and tomato soup or canned/chopped fresh tomatoes. Put your potatoes in the microwave and cook on potato setting. The reason for this is potatoes take much longer to cook and would still be too hard to eat while everything else in the chowder is cooked well enough. While they are cooking, chop your onions, carrots and celery and add them to the stew.

Add in canned corn, beans, and garlic. When potatoes are done, cut them up and add them to the stew too.

Add any of your other ingredients to the stew according to their cooking times. Something like eggplant or squash may need to be precooked and added earlier on to allow it to soften. Fennel should be added earlier if you like it soft like a potato, or late if you want it crunchy like an onion. Canned vegetables tend to be soft so they can be added last. Herbs and other additions can be added at any point.

Let the chowder simmer for 15-20 minutes on medium heat, occasionally stirring well.

Using a ladle, serve into bowls. Recipe serves 4-6 people. Leftovers can be refrigerated, or even frozen in individual tupperwares for easy reheatable lunch ideas.


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