Wednesday, January 22, 2020

How to make your life better - manifestation journaling

I am a true believer in manifesting your own success, dreams, and changes you want to see in your life. I believe in magic, karma, and the universe making things happen for a reason - but I absolutely feel that it's a good attitude and positive mindset that facilitate the occurrence of abundance and happiness in one's life. As I continue along the journey of my own personal growth, I recently created a powerful journal section in which I could truly discover my own needs, wishes, and desires just by writing them down. Sometimes we think we will remember all the jumbled thoughts we constantly recite in our own heads but we usually don't. This powerful exercise will not only help you understand what it is that you want out of life, but the powerful mindset to bring these things into your life. Kind of like creating a vision board, but keeping your visions written and organized within a journal.
How to create a manifestation journal:

~ Find or purchase a journal that is truly yours. Pick one with fun art and designs on it, or decorate a basic notebook yourself. You'll need 10 pages for this exercise so it can be done in a notebook or journal you already have, but I suggest creating this in a private place that you can keep to yourself and access at any point in the future to help keep your mindset on track.

~ Set aside 10 pages and create 10 categories. Put a title at the top of each page that represents one aspect of your life - a category that is important to you. You'll need ten categories in total. Some examples you can choose are career, spirituality, food/diet, health, hobbies, love, travel/places, objects/things, personal growth, learning, etc. You can get more specific if there's an area of your life that you feel needs a lot of your focus or that you wish to pursue a lot of growth.

~ On each page, under the category, list/bullet ten things within that category that you wish to pursue or develop. You can think of these things as "goals", "wishes", "thoughts", "hurdles", "bucket-list items" or simply reminders of what you want to achieve. The key for this step is to not limit yourself. No matter how absurd or large the goals seem.. even if they feel unattainable now, you must write them down. These ten things can range from something as simple as "learning a new language" under your hobby list, to something big like "growing my social media following to 100k" under your goals of your self-run business. Maybe you wish you had a brand new car, in a specific make, model in color, which can be added to your "objects" list, or want to buy an RV and travel the world as a goal on your "travel" list. Lifestyle goals could include moving into a tiny house, cutting back on garbage and waste, or perhaps starting to compost. Health goals could include drinking a certain amount of water per day, being more active (but be specific in how - maybe you want to join a dance class, do yoga, start strength training, or promise to walk your dog an extra mile every day), changing your eating habits or practicing meditation daily. Career goals could be stepping stones of specific jobs you want, or even steps to starting your own business. Love goals could include things you're looking for in a relationship or even ways to improve your current relationship and the things you plan to change about yourself. The bullet items can be whatever you want - even if they don't seem realistic. Put today's date at the top of each list so you can look back later and remember when you made these goals.

~ Write and re-read your lists with purpose and intent. These are reminders of the things you want to achieve in this life, whether it be today, tomorrow, next month, next year, or a decade from now. Having focus and direction in life can help increase motivation to reach your goals and decrease depression and the feeling of having no purpose. Re-visit your journal regularly.. and then check back every month or so. It will remind yourself of the goals you wish to pursue and will keep you on track of getting there. You'd be surprised how much you'll actually achieve without realizing it as you look back later on. As this happens, highlight the things you've achieved and watch your personal growth over time. It will feel SO satisfying <3

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