A little post about Hanukkah and those special Jewish dogs that celebrate its traditions. These pooches may never get dog bones under the Christmas tree.. but they get to become engulfed in the fascinating spin of a dreidle, enjoy the shimmer of the lights on a menorah, and they too, enjoy family time and gifts as all dogs should.
Last year Weiner robbed the spotlight of being the cutest little Kosher Weiner anyone could imagine. Her enjoyment of Hanukkah festivities was very evident by her Hanukkah photo posing with Hanukkah props, and of course included the wearing of a kippah even though she's a girl. Her enthusiasm was a big hit on social media and even won in a holiday photo newspaper contest. No one can resist a Jewish weiner.
This year however, Manny competes for cuteness as he enjoys his first ever Hanukkah experience (to our knowledge... since we do not know much about his past. It is unknown whether Manny had any exposure to any religious festivities in his life let alone if he ever got to live in a home since he was brought in as a stray from south Florida and then taken up to our local shelter). In Manny's 1st Hanukkah collage you can see him enjoying the festivities of the 8 day long holiday.. as he gets absorbed in a little book about all the know hows of Hanukkah, he witnesses the lighting of the menorah, admires the beauty of that first lit candle, and checks out the dreidle after observing intently how well it can spin on a hard floor when Josh would spin it. Weiner's got some competition this year, because as you can see Manny fully indulges in both the fun festivities (and even gift receiving as he got a new orthopedic bed from Petsmart.. his gift giving was the large mound outside) and even the religious aspect of respectfully covering his head with a kippah too.
What do you prefer, a Kosher weiner, or a Kosher Pitbull?
Happy Hanukkah to all that celebrate!