Monday, February 16, 2015

Staying Strong for Alvin

I'm touched by all of the love and support from family and friends in our time of emotional sadness for the loss of our dog Alvin. A wise friend told us to remember not to mourn his death, but celebrate his life. For this reason I've been able to push through the days with a smile on my face, holding inside of me snapshots of Alvin during better days; when he loved running and swimming on the beach and playing fetch, him destroying everything we own and costing us a fortune in vet bills, him howling with excitement when he wanted to play or eat, him dragging a garbage bag of trash around during every house party we have ever had and eating off of people's plates, his presence for the past 13 years of my life; through my dad's death, every relationship and breakup, going away to college, all my first amazing jobs and opportunities, Josh and I getting married, joining me during my first huge move 1,000 miles away from home, and even when he was hurting from being so old, blind and deaf he still stood by my side through all of it. I have loved that dog with all my heart and will never stop. 

For Valentine's Day Josh promised me a rose bush, since it will not die like a bouquet of flowers would. With the timing of us putting Alvin down the day before, we decided to make it a bush in memory of Alvin instead. 

Today I came into work to a beautiful note left by one of my amazing friends 

Even in times of sadness we must smile and be grateful for the wonderful things that we still have. We may be sad but Alvin got to be relieved of suffering and is hopefully at peace with my dad now. That is all great news, not bad. In a few days I'll be going to Mexico to see the overwintering monarchs. 

In Mexico, the locals believe monarchs are all the souls of their loved ones returning to earth. I'm sure Alvin will be somewhere in the bunch 
smile emoticoAnd at some point, Josh and I do plan on opening our home and hearts to a dog that is in need of a home. We can never replace Alvin (that's for sure!) but all dogs that pass away would want nothing more for another homeless and unloved dog to fill the open spot in a heart in a home once it's available. I think it's the best thing we could possibly do to honor Alvin. The timing couldn't be better for all of these things.. Clearly the events of the universe and moments that happen within our lives have some importance and happen for a reason when they do. Thanks again to everyone who has cared so much and please remember how far positivity can go to help you get through something.. And how reality and fairness can help prevent further suffering of a pet you love

And at some point, Josh and I do plan on opening our home and hearts to a dog that is in need of a home. We can never replace Alvin (that's for sure!) but all dogs that pass away would want nothing more for another homeless and unloved dog to fill the open spot in a heart in a home once it's available. I think it's the best thing we could possibly do to honor Alvin. The timing couldn't be better for all of these things.. Clearly the events of the universe and moments that happen within our lives have some importance and happen for a reason when they do. Thanks again to everyone who has cared so much and please remember how far positivity can go to help you get through something.. And how reality and fairness can help prevent further suffering of a pet you love. 

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