Sunday, February 15, 2015

Cruel world

It really sickens me what the world has come to. All we can do is individually give our pets love and a great life, and try to minimize our personal impact on the planet and minimize the cruelty to innocent creatures by paying attention to the food we eat and products we buy that may have contributed to animal torture.

Animals are not ours to abuse and use for money and trade and product like instances that continue all over the world every day. Each animal has feelings and can feel pain, sadness, and experience depression. They may not be like humans but they feel, and the difference is that they can't speak our language to tell us. I think it's a no brainier to see that baby elephants being ripped from their mothers and natural environments to be sold to zoos and circuses is wrong. That animals tortured, abused for the fun of a sick human. For animals slaughtered in inhumane ways and housed in unsightly conditions for their meat, dairy, eggs, fur, skin, bone, tusks, horns. For animals tested on, given burning chemicals that hurt them just to see if it's safe for humans. For animals in the pet industry interbred too much, crammed in small cages, not cared for properly and then shipped in scary conditions where many are dead on arrival. For birds plucked of their feathers while they are alive and then have machine crammed down their throats so people can wear down and eat their livers. It really breaks my heart, so I hope if you are reading this you will sign this petition and be more aware of what goes on in the world and if you care, swear to yourself you'll do your best to not contribute to it. Let's love and help animals whenever we can and step away from things that may indirectly contribute to cruelty. Aka meat, dairy, leather, down feathers, makeup, buying and not adopting... Everyone is guilty so let's make some changes.


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