Sunday, January 11, 2015

Stir fry Thai seitan & veggies w/ peanut sauce over a bed of rice

This recipe is AMAZING. Honestly I think it's one of my best so far, and the coolest part is I just made it up as I cooked. So good, especially if you like Thai and asian cuisine (and peanut flavor!) this will keep you wanting more and more, even after you're full. Packed with protein, filled with flavors, and a mix of textures in a creamy filling sauce, this is an amazing meal to make when having people over, or just for yourself. It only takes about a half hour to make, and eating this will make you realize that if vegans can eat food this good, there's really no need for eating animal products! This recipe feeds about 4 people. Enjoy!


Samm's easy peasy Thai peanut sauce (recipe here)
2 tablespoons of coconut oil
Package of seitan, chicken style
Large head of broccoli, with stem
1 leek, or a few green onions
½ large onion
1-2 large carrots, or about 10 baby carrots
Package of Jasmine Rice


Put jasmine rice in a pot of water and bring to a boil. Place lid on pot and allow to cook for about 25-30 minutes while making everything else.

Follow instructions on making the peanut sauce in a food processor or blender, and have on hand before cooking other ingredients.

Heat large deep sautee pan on low heat. Put in coconut oil and allow to melt as you gather your other ingredients. Chop up broccoli using the entire thing including the stem. Chop up carrots, onions, leek/green onions, and break apart seitan. Put all of your ingredients directly into the pan as the oil has melted. Turn up heat a bit, and allow food to simmer while mixing and rotating until food starts to brown slightly. Introduce the peanut sauce to the mixture. Put lid on the pot and allow to warm, while going in to stir and flip food every few minutes to ensure nothing is burning.

In the mean time, check on your rice and mix occasionally as well so that it doesn't burn. Once your rice is well cooked, the stir fry is well blended and cooked (broccoli and veggies seem soft, seitan slightly browned) and your kitchen is completely filled with a peanut and hibachi aroma, you can put the rice and stir fry into separate serving bowls or dishes. Spread rice into each bowl or plate, and top with stir fry mixture. Allow to cool and enjoy!

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