Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Sloppy Joe's

I planned on trying a new vegan recipe every day for Veganuary, and so far I've been sticking to it! But what good is trying new things without sharing them with others? There are a lot of recipes I come up with on my own and unfortunately this is not one of them. I got this original recipe off of Post Punk Kitchen (also an amazzzzing site for vegan recipes recommended to me by a friend!) but I modified it just a bit based on the ingredients we had on hand.  Even if you're a meat eater you'll love this recipe. (Maybe it will make you realize you don't even need meat!) If you're in the mood for (vegan) sloppy joe's here's a great variation of the original incredible "Snobby Joes" that is relatively easy:


1 cup of lentils
½ chopped onion
5 small red bliss potatoes cut up (substituted for peppers which we don't have.. you can use any vegetables you have available)
1 cup of condensed tomato soup
1 cup of vegan basil marinara sauce
1 tablespoon of mustard (original recipe calls for yellow but we used honey)
3 tablespoons of maple syrup
Mixed seasoning with oregano
Handful of fresh pea or sunflower shoots
Kaiser roll or toasted bread


Boil lentils in a small saucepan of water for about 20 minutes. While they are cooking, sauté your onion and potatoes and whatever other vegetables you chose to use. Add the tomato soup and marinara sauce to your vegetables after they are sautéed a golden brown. Mix well and keep on low heat. Once lentils are soft and start emerging from their shells, drain and pour into pan with vegetables and sauce. Mix thoroughly and allow to cook over medium heat. Add seasonings (a lot of pepper, oregano and other mixed seasoning, especially anything with some spice to it, and a dash of salt), mustard and syrup and mix well for a few minutes. When done, serve on fresh bun or toasted bread, garnish with a few sprouts (shoots) and enjoy!

Oh.. and if you manage to have any left of this delicious meal, make sure to try making some not so sloppy sandwiches out of the leftovers.... great idea for lunch the next day!

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