Monday, January 5, 2015

Paint your keys

Have a ton of keys on your keychain and have a hard time telling them apart? A cheaper option than getting all of your keys remade into those fun patterned keys, or putting bulky key covers over them is to customize the ones you already have. Nail polish is a durable handy paint you probably already have, and by painting each key a different color it will be easy to tell even the plainest of keys apart at first glance. The best part? Just soak them in nail polish remover to clean off the paint if you ever have to return your keys or return them to their regular color.

What you need

- Keys, removed from your keyring

- Nail polish in bright opaque colors. You should have the same number of nail polishes as the number of keys you want to paint. Try to choose colors that are very different from one another. Glitter makes a fun addition to your keys to use as a top coat over the opaque colors

- A magazine or newspaper to paint on


- Paint the top "head" portion of each key, remembering to get around the edges too. Allow one side to dry before painting the other.

- Paint each key a different color, and make sure to remember which color is for each key's location. You can even get creative and do patterns and prints. Stripes, zigzags, polka dots and glitter are easy patterns to do. For the more creative, try out animal print or a fun face on each key.

- Allow keys to dry overnight before putting back onto your keyring.

To Remove polish: Soak in nail polish remover and rub off with cotton ball or paper towel

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