Sunday, January 4, 2015

Josh's Green Salad

Here's a recipe for a very quick and easy salad with just a few ingredients but optimal nutrients. Other additions can be added to create a mixture of different flavors.


-Large handful of fresh organic baby spinach
-Large handful of organic tucson kale
-Large avocado
-¼ of an onion


Wash greens, tear into smaller pieces and throw into a large salad bowl. Cut avocado open and remove pit. Scoop out and mash avocado, and add into salad. Dice onion and add to mixture. Mix well and enjoy! This salad tastes great without any dressing because of the smooth, creamy avocado covering most of the greens, but for a healthy dressing try adding a dash of lemon juice and olive oil. To cancel out the spicy kick of the onions, you can also add dried cranberries or chopped pear into the mix for a sweet flavor.

These few and simple ingredients provide optimum nutrition, because spinach and kale are greens that are high in protein, and also offer vitamins A, C, E, K,  along with Calcium, Iron, Magnesium, Maganese, Phosphorus and Zinc. These greens should be added into your diet often for a low calorie but very healthy salad base. Don't like the taste, or not a big fan of salads? Throw them in a smoothie.. promise you won't even taste them! Avocados are also very high in proteins and healthy fats, and can also be added to smoothies, sandwiches and also used as a binding substitute in baking. Onions contain protein, along with many vitamins and minerals and add a spicy kick to your meal. Besides the avocado, the greens and onions are very low in calories making this a good salad to munch on if you're on a diet.

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