Saturday, January 3, 2015

AMAZING wheatgrass smoothie

Here's my favorite smoothie. I've been making it for a while now (ever since getting turned on to wheatgrass!) but starting a habit of making it every morning religiously as part of my New Year's resolution to be healthy and take good care of myself. This smoothie is completely vegan, full of protein, is filling, packed with antioxidants and tasty too! This recipe serves about 2 people, so adjust accordingly and use less of each ingredient to serve just one. I can't have caffeine, but I swear I've noticed a big difference in my level of tiredness and how awake since drinking this. Enjoy!

- ¼ cup of fresh cut wheat grass (*makes approx. 1 oz of wheat grass juice; the daily recommended intake for extensive health benefits, see bottom)
- 2 scoops of organic hemp protein
- 1 frozen banana
- handful of frozen strawberries
- handful of frozen blueberries
- handful of frozen raspberries
- handful of frozen kale or spinach
- 1 cup of frozen mango
- Orange Juice
- vanilla soy, almond or coconut milk

Put all dry ingredients into blender, with wheat grass and hemp on top of other ingredients to ensure proper blending. Pour in half orange juice, and half milk until dry ingredients are covered. Blend well, and check to make sure wheat grass got chopped up and didn't just wrap around the blender blade (this has been a current occurrence for me no matter how much I cut it up!). Once well blended, put into glass or to go cup and enjoy!

This smoothie will keep you going all day and help you feel energized while also getting in some fruits and veggies we often forget to eat.

*Wheatgrass is an amazing additive that has many holistic and health benefits. None of these are scientifically proven and often debatable (but many people swear by it!), but I just eat it for the obvious nutritional content that is pretty impressive: 1 ounce of wheatgrass offers only 120 calories but 8 grams of protein, more than your daily amount of Vitamins A, C, E, K, Iron, Zinc, and Manganese, and good amounts of Calcium, Selenium, Potassium, Phosphorus, Magnesium, and B vitamins. What makes this exciting for vegetarians and vegans is many of these nutrients and minerals are mostly found in animal based products. Finding this much in a plant is remarkable!

Where to find wheatgrass? I get mine from an amazing woman who grows and sells her own at our local farmers market. She also sells wheatgrass plants you can grow and trim yourself. Since I eat so much I prefer getting the fresh cut stuff from her in bulk and it's very affordable. Check out local sources, or your local healthfood store. Getting it fresh is the best option but you can also find it in capsules and powders, which can be eaten alone or added into your smoothie.

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