Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Health tips of the week 4

So this week I actually missed my last nutrition seminar to be in warm and sunny Florida. Not a bad trade....so here I am blogging my promised weekly entry on healthiness while sitting on the warm island of Venice. Unfortunately due to meeting up with friends and family, and as getting together usually revolves around getting food, it has been hard for us to keep up with our healthy eating regime. However  I can share some tips on how to travel healthily and pack your entire trip's worth of food and bring it with you, to save money and limit temptations for unhealthy rest stop options. This can help you on daily commutes and snack packing ideas as well.

Healthy snack options for your road trip:


Hard boiled eggs (boil and peel ahead of time, stick in a Tupperware and keep in the cooler)

Tofu squares (cube firm tofu and keep in a Tupperware in cooler.. Eat alone or add to mixed veggies for a salad)

Yogurt cups (add oats, protein powder, and fruit to your cup for a more filling snack)

Protein powder (if you normally add powder to smoothies and meals keep your measured portions in ziplocks to add to your meals on the road)


nut butter (add on celery or bread)

Hummus (eat with tortilla chips or veggies)

Cheese sticks 


Raw oats (mix with water, agave nectar and protein powder in a Tupperware dish) or add to yogurt 

Fruits (apples, plums, bananas, berries, oranges, and more)

Veggies (carrots, celery, spinach, sliced cucumbers, baby tomatoes etc.) eat alone, mix together for a salad in a Tupperware or dip into hummus or nut butter 

Chips (healthier varieties include sweet potatoes, veggie chips, or tortillas) eat with hummus

Whole grain or sprouted bread (pair with nut butter)

Dried fruits

*try to pair a fiber with a protein for each snack every 2-3 hours


Store food separately in Tupperware for easy finding and to keep things from getting crushed. Separate into separate meals and portions if it makes it easier for you. 

Keep cold items in a cooler with ice and ice packs. Store in trunk to keep coldest but backseat is easier for quick meals without stopping.

Keep non-refrigerated items together in a tote bag for easy finding and organization. Remember to pack napkins/paper towels, eating utensils and plates /bowls if foods can't be eaten directly from tupperwares.

Once you reach your destination:

Once you get to your destination, stick cold foods in fridge. Continue to use them as meals while on your trip in between dining experiences and arranged meals. Better alternatives to grabbing fast food or a quick bite from an unhealthy source. Stock up at a local supermarket if you can, and stick to healthy foods you may normally get at home if you have a place to cook them. Try to eat in as much as possible to save money and your calories. For desserts,  try getting frozen yogurt if you want a cold treat instead of ice cream. If you're staying at an all inclusive resort I'm no help... You're basically screwed there on staying healthy ... Just make sure you enjoy your unhealthy meals and get back in track when you get home :) ! And most importantly.. Get exercise! Go for a walk or a hike every day. If your itinerary doesn't include sports or physical activities then build it in. Shopping, hiking, swimming, walking on the beach and exploring nature parks and natural areas are all great ideas. Force yourself to do something physical every day and if it's something you enjoy it will only add to your vacation. Make sure you always carry a water bottle with you and drink throughout the whole day.. More than usual if you're somewhere warm. Most importantly, enjoy!

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