Friday, December 6, 2013

Business takes off for the Holidays!

My self-started commissioned art business has got a kick start since I picked up this summer where I left off about 2 years ago. I don't think I have had this many orders since February of 2010, back at Rutgers when I sold duct tape roses for Valentine's Day to kids on campus instead of studying for my exams. I worked hard at selling my artwork that month because I had some enormous vet bills to pay off for my sick geckos, and made enough along with over $200 to donate to homeless animals.

Collecting clam shells on the beaches this spring and summer while working to protect endangered piping plovers, I had the bright idea to start painting them and selling them, donating 1/3 of the profits I made to animal-related charities (a portion of the money I make from any of my artwork has always been donated- after all it's what inspired me to start making and selling art in the first place!). When I got back in the swing of painting, (as a college graduate who studied animals, wildlife and ecology- painting as a profession wasn't something I foresaw in my future), I realized that although stressful, I can easily work with animals full time, AND paint. Orders had been slow; and because I was busy I didn't push them or heavily advertise.

This winter however, there is no field work for me so while working a part-time winter job I thought, what a perfect opportunity to push my artwork. I don't know how I did it, but I have so many orders that I'm in a bit over my head and backed up for at least another 2 months! With the demand of custom pet-portraits for the holidays, and wildlife and pet-painted clam shells repurposed into holiday ornaments I have been staying very busy. I'm proud of myself, busy and content. People don't realize how much time it takes to make something by hand and customized to what the client wants and needs. I try to keep my prices as fair as possible, while still covering the extensive time I spend on each painting and the supplies needed to create it. 

I appreciate everyone who has supported my business, in addition to those of my friends and customers who have recommended me to their friends and gotten me more business. I have learned that word of mouth goes a long way. I appreciate the local businesses and non-profits within Cape May that have put my shells on consignment in their shops. I currently have shells being sold at The Cape May Bird ObservatoryThe Nature Center of Cape MayAcross the Way, and The Bird House of Cape May. Even if shells don't sell well in the stores, I appreciate and am grateful for the opportunity to get my name out there and have my artwork on display.

Are you looking to place an order? 
I am still taking orders for custom shells for the holiday season but I cannot guarantee any custom canvas-paintings to be finished before Christmas this year due to the nature of how long they take to complete. However, I am more than happy to take orders now that can be finished by the end of January and into February. Contact me by email at

Changes for the new year of 2014!
I am planning on adding new products to my art business after I finish all of my current orders. Some of these items will include monarch wing pendants (cruelty-free of course; only made from monarch wings of butterflies that died of natural causes), hand-painted wine glasses, and custom designed bleach tee shirts. Monarch pendants are made of real monarch wings cut to size, placed in a bezel and preserved in resin. Chain is not included. Wine glasses are fine glasses hand-painted with glossy enamel glass paints that are dishwasher safe. Tee shirts are designed with fabric paint and bleach and are pre-washed. Glasses and tee shirts are made to order with custom design of your choice. All of these products will be priced somewhere around $20 each. 

Thank you!
Special thanks once again for family and friends who helped me start up my business. My first orders may have been mostly for people I know, but once they spread the word, shared on their Facebook, told a friend or two; my circle of customers have grown to animal lovers from different parts of the country that I have never met in person. I am so thankful for the opportunity to share both my passion for creativity and love for animals to people who appreciate it. I am receptive to new opportunities and grateful I can help make a difference in the world of animals in need. Thank you for helping make that happen, and please continue to help me make a difference in the world :)

Visit my Facebook page here, and my website here.

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