Tuesday, October 29, 2013

New Artwork

Been extremely slow on making progress with orders this summer & fall. It's so easy to lose track of time with a full time-job (even with my transition from plovers to monarchs I didn't catch much of a painting break). I need a new method to balance it all; working full time, painting, and somewhat having my own life too. Maybe I'll actually be lucky to get a period of unemployment coming up as I still continue the search for a winter job, since the monarch season is over officially in 2 days. 

Anyway, I  FINALLY finished the Pine Barrens Treefrog. This was done with acrylics on a 16x20" canvas. If you haven't already, check out more of my artwork here. I specialize in painted clam shells, as they are a quicker project and much more affordable to buy than a full canvas (only $15!). I'm hoping to invest in a specialized drilling tool that will allow me to make the shells into ornaments for the holiday season. Keep in mind.. all of my stuff is CUSTOM... now try to beat that when looking for the perfect gift for someone. A painting of their very own pet, or their favorite animal from the wild, made special to order. Plus, a portion of the cost goes to non-profit organizations. Shoot me an email (sammwehman@gmail.com) if you have something in mind :) Now is the time to start ordering for the holidays, especially since Hanukkah arrives early this year. If you like my style of art, check out my stuff because I really try to make everything as affordable to your budget as possible, while trying to just earn a bit for my time as well.

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