Sunday, December 28, 2014

My New Year's Resolutions

Getting prepared for my New Years resolutions: 

1. Taking more steps towards becoming a vegan. I am going to start the year with an ovo-vegan diet, eating ONLY eggs from our local free range farm in Gainesville. Ultimately I would like to be a full on vegan but I need to take one step at a time, since my personal beliefs are that it isn't harmful to eat animal products if the animals live a happy life and are not treated inhumanely, or harvested in a way it's having a negative impact on the planet. I refuse to support factory farms for either meat or dairy and am putting my foot down to stop supporting a torturous industry starting in this new year. I encourage others to look more into where your food comes from and consider making some compassionate changes for animals this new year.

2. I have already increased my water consumption but am going to stick to drinking at least 80 oz of water per day. Drinking more water actually cures many medical issues people don't realize are related to dehydration, aids in digestion, and has cured my migraines and tiredness. If you're looking for an easy resolution to improve your health, consider drinking more water this upcoming year. 2 tablespoons of unpasteurized apple cider vinegar added to this water is a great energy aid and weight loss tool as well and has many health benefits too and I plan to continue to drink it daily. 

3. Join and gym and actually go. A year ago I was doing boot camp, Zumba, and yoga regularly and I need to get back into this routine again. 

As the new year approaches I hope everyone is considering some resolutions they would like to make to better themselves, for themselves. To make a change it should only be for yourself and by improving yourself it will make you a better and happier person for others to want to be around. I'm going to write another post on inspiration of resolutions you can make for yourself.. if you're a little stuck on ideas or even on the fence of whether you want to change at all in this upcoming year.

Happy almost new year! 

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