Thursday, February 20, 2014

Protein veggie salad (Vegan!)

Here's a random thrown together salad that I thought would be worth blogging about. I made a big one last night and am finishing the leftovers today, and just remembered how amazing it is. There isn't one thing in this salad that is bad for you... and everything in it is amazing for you for a different reason. You could probably eat an endless abundance of this salad for barely any calories. It takes more energy to chew and digest most of the ingredients that most of them cost you no calories after digestion. The only real calorie spender here are the protein sources.. which are crucial for building lean muscle and burning off fat. Salads are excellent meals, but without protein they really aren't doing much for you. This one you could eat endlessly (until you get tired of it). The amount of roughage and fiber here is a necessity in your daily eating to keep your digestion system moving and to help cancel out any sugars in your diet. It is also very filling. Start eating salads often enough that you'll actually crave them over sweets.


-Can of kidney beans or any bean of your choice

-Block of firm or extra firm tofu

-Fresh spinach

-Red bell pepper


-Cherry tomatoes

-Head of fresh broccoli

-Lemon Juice

(add any other fresh veggies of your choice)


Wash all veggies with vinegar and water to remove pesticide residue. If organic, wash with water only.

Chop up all veggies to your liking and mix in a large bowl. I like my cucumbers peeled first to remove the bitter skin, but if you like it keep it on there for extra fiber (as if you aren't already getting enough in this salad!).

Drain can of beans and mix in.

Cut off half of tofu block, and cut into small cubes. Add and mix in.

Add a few squirts of lemon juice.

Enjoy! :)

(No picture today... the salad I made is already almost gone, sorry! :) )

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