Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Animal heads stuck in yogurt cups!

My beloved Yoplait lite Yogurt cups..... found guilty of murder.

These yogurts.... which are in fact extremely delicious, and only 90 calories a cup for the light ones, come in a variety of flavors, including desserts to curb a craving. However, I can no longer endorse this product and I hope if you're a Yoplait supporter you will follow in my footsteps.

As you may or may not know... tons of our trash winds up polluting the earth, decorating nearly every wildlife habitat all over the world. It's not uncommon for a wild animal to come across one of these empty cups, even if you didn't leave it out for them to find... you have no idea where your garbage really goes... whether it blows there, floats there, or is dumped there after you watch it leave your curb in a big ugly truck.

Well, if there isn't a lot you can do to control where your trash winds up, the least we can all do it make sure the things we are throwing away can't harm wild animals that may encounter them (cut those plastic rings apart that you get on bottles.... always! They kill marine life constantly!) 

So if you actually study the design of these cups, the top passageway is narrower than the bottom. I always wondered why they do this.... because honestly, it makes it kind of tough for me to get all the yogurt out with an ordinary spoon, always having to leave some stuck around the edges I can't actually reach inside the top rim, which angles in and not out. So if you leave some remnants behind, when a creature finds your cup and smells something sweet, there's no doubt they want a little taste of that red velvet the woman on the commercial raves over. The cup is only made of plastic, so being flexible, an animal with even a large head can manage to squish it in the cup to get a lick of what's inside, soon to realize that it can't get its head out. Many small animals have cheekbones that protrude a bit on the sides, getting caught and not allow the head to come out of the cup because of the inward-curving lip at the top of the cup. Either this... or it's hide or skull bone which are far less flexible than the cup, especially pulling backwards against a thick inner rim along the inside of the top hole. They suffocate, starve and dehydrate, ultimately dying from one or more of these causes.

General Mills, the company responsible, is well aware of this design and its harm on wildlife. They cared enough to print "Protect Wildlife, Crush Cup Before Disposal" on each of the yogurts back in 1998 only under pressure of animal activists. They refused to change the design of the cup though, or take responsibility that it is blood on their hands, not the consumers'. Most people don't read, so the company needs to acknowledge this faulty shape and make a change. Sorry if they lose a little money, and as any other big corporation that is all they care about. We need to take a stand, and stop supporting this design of a cup and stop purchasing from General Mills until they make a change. I need your help.

If you find this upsetting, help me make a change by contacting General Mills here. Like and share the Facebook page. And most importantly, stop buying their products so they know we mean business when we say we won't support the company and their poor choices of animal-killing designs. You can even sign a petition to the company to encourage them to rid this stupid flange design on the upper rim. Still needing over 52,000 signatures, you and your friends can certainly help! Just takes one click.

I'm not trying to go all PETA here on anyone... (although I do think PETA has some very valid points and does some amazing things..) BUT, seriously, this is real, and we can stop it. So if you care, join in and help me spread the word for others to do the same!

How enticing is this yogurt to you now?

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