Thursday, December 4, 2014

The Adventures of Alvin: Episode 19

Alvin's 13th Birthday Party

Yesterday, our old man Alvin turned 13. No one who sees him believes he's a year out of puppyhood with his lack of grey hairs and his liveliness and enthusiasm for life. He's always been deaf, and he's at least half blind and getting arthritic, but nothing stops him from enjoying living. We had some friends over to celebrate Alvin's big day, since after all, here on out, each birthday of his could very well be his last.

Alvin spent the first half of his party sleeping, as most old men do. He didn't seem to be interested in beer pong, jello shots, or Balderdash. However he did receive a generous array of gifts and treats. He enjoyed them all. We chose which he was allowed to have in one night, but as the party ended, he decided to help himself to what was left on the table. This old, blind and arthritic dog won't let anything stop him from getting on his hind legs and doing what he feels needs to get done. Weiner was lucky enough to get a cookie or two, but most made their way into Alvin's stomach, as many things tend to do. Ever since he snatched the remaining cookies off the table, he's still been looking for gourmet cookies. I also baked him and Weiner homemade all natural apple and peanut butter cupcakes which were engulfed in seconds.

Still kickin', Alvin's ready for many more adventures and doesn't plan to let his age stop him from creating stories for all to enjoy. At the age of 13 it is typical for a young Jewish man to become a bar mitzvah. Alvin has been in training, so look forward to a future episode all about Alvin's Bar Mitzvah!

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