Thursday, December 4, 2014

I Was Dying

This poem below was written by an anonymous person who has pinpointed the purpose for living.

Our purpose is to find reasons to LIVE and not hurry to life and rush to our tombstones. I think it's human nature to have things to look forward to.. this is what keeps us going. But let's hold our horses and not try to race to get to the future first, because as exciting as it may be, that's only more time lost, and less time left to live. Cherish every moment, and find purpose for being here in every second of your existence. Time is one thing you can never buy, and you can never get it back. I enjoy every second of my life where it's at now.. I'm not rushing to the next stage of living, although I am very much looking forward to it. I try to appreciate every step of the way, because the days are flying by, the weeks disappear, and then goes by an entire year. The years fade away, history is made, all of a sudden I'm married and moved away. (That quick and clever poem just spilled out of my brain I swear... ) But really now.. this poem below is truer than true... so let's slow down time and love every second of it. I'm sure most of my peers who are getting jobs, getting married and having kids about now can totally relate. Our parents are in a place of retiring and rushing to find what they want to enjoy out of life. But the truth is.. the things to enjoy in life are right in front of us all. There is no purpose to be found except the opportunities and challenges life presents us with, and the abilities to push ourselves to reach our biggest goals. If you feel worthless, find a cause to contribute to and do just something or anything that will make a difference to another person or this earth. Let yourself dream. Make your dreams your goals. Don't just focus on the goal though, the journey of getting there should be appreciated just as much, or there goes a chunk of your life that whizzed by without a second thought. Stop to smell the flowers, look around you, take a mental picture in your mind of a perfect moment, stop and give someone a hug, tell someone you love them, take that extra moment to make each moment memorable. Or else, we aren't even living, we are just dying.

I Was Dying

First I was dying to finish high school and start college.
And then I was dying to finish college and start working.
And then I was dying to marry and have children.
And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough for school so I could return to work.
And then I was dying to retire.
And now, I am dying... and suddenly I realize I forgot to live.


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