Saturday, October 25, 2014

Going Green Intro & Tip #1 (electronic checks)

Today, I attended the Gainesville Book Sale, where Friends of the Library houses hundreds of thousands of donated books under the roof of a huge warehouse for very cheap prices. It's a huge event in Gainesville twice a year, where people wait outside hours before the first opening day just to be the first to get dibs on the best books. I was able to move myself through the madness to get a taste of the experience, and grab a tote full of books that were of interest to me.

One book I got is "the green book", a New York Times Bestseller (printed on 100% recycled paper of course) and it's just filled with ways to change over to a more green lifestyle. Skimming through this book has inspired me to not only try to live a more green lifestyle, but to encourage others to do the same. Not only does going green save money but it saves energy and over time, really minimizes the negative impact that our human presence has on our planet. As often as I can, I plan to create a new post consisting of an easy change you can make in your daily lifestyle, which came from "the green book". You can find these green tips under "going green" tab on the left side of my blog. I challenge you to make as many of these green changes as possible in YOUR life. The reward is to feel good about your existence having a minimal (negative) impact on Earth, so you can focus on your purpose and finding ways to make (positive) changes leave an incredible impact behind you. Keep checking back for easy ways to save energy and help the planet and share these tips with your family and friends! After all, a little effort can go a long way, but a teamwork of effort would make the biggest difference. Thanks for your support, and let's all make the effort to go GREEN :)

Going Green Lifestyle Tip #1:

Use electronic checks (instead of paper checks). Your bank account should allow you to send checks to other people electronically, and you can sign up for direct deposit at work so you don't have to waste the paper check (and the paper envelope!). Not only will you save time, but possibly late penalties as well. If everyone who uses paper checks started using electronic ones, we could save about 4 billion dollars in the cost of paper alone. This money is enough to vaccinate every kid in the U.S. against series childhood diseases. A tiny change, but a big difference!

(This green tip came from the New York Times Bestseller "the green book" by Elizabeth Rogers and Thomas M. Kostigen)

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